Ring Africa
Impact Early-Stage Strategy
Empowering the future impact champions of French-speaking Africa.
Extending our impact in French-speaking Africa
So far, French-speaking Africa has been poorly penetrated by VC compared to its English-speaking neighbours. Yet, it is a dynamic region with strong entrepreneurial spirit and awareness about the many impact challenges (adaptation to climate change, financial inclusion, supporting women in employment...).
With the region's important economic and demographic growths, and the fast and massive adoption of mobile technologies, we see a great potential to replicate successful models from English-speaking Africa and to develop new innovative impact models.
Impact funds have a key role to play in the creation of local entrepreneurial ecosystems and the development of solutions to environmental and social challenges. We aim to support local and sustainable entrepreneurship, particularly young and women entrepreneurs, to ensure that their successes feed local economies creating value locally.
Finally, our ambition is to create a bridge between the two continents, namely by bringing together African and European investors, entrepreneurs and business angels, to support the future impact champions of French-speaking Africa.